CEU Ranks 40th in Politics and International Studies

March 23, 2016
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CEU's programs related to politics and international studies were ranked 40th in the world according to the latest Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) subject ranking, published March 22 (full report available here )

 The IR Department integrates international relations research with regional expertise in the European Union and the wider European neighborhood, Central and East Asia, and the Middle East. Attention is paid to the evolving role of the EU, Russia, China, and the US in international affairs, the rise of new powers and the role of non-state actors in world politics and the global economy. IR combines international relations theory, international political economy and security studies with multidisciplinary approaches to the study of transnational, national and sub-national politics.

This highly competitive program provides an enriching environment that generates research on relevant topics in a globalizing world. A multidisciplinary faculty (including scholars from international relations, history, law, economics, political science, and political geography) and a broad scope of course offerings attract top-level graduate students from around the world. The student/faculty ratio for the Department of International Relations is 5:1.


