

Here you can find a collection of the most important information for your studies throughout the academic year, including the Handbook, Schedules, Courses, relevant policies and other items.  

Statement on AI tools

While AI tools provide a great deal of opportunities, they also come with a series of consequences, which are detrimental for the broader goals of learning and studying. It is important that students gain a clear understanding of these problems as early as possible, drawing on expertise and resources provided by CEU’s Centre for Academic Writing and Centre for Teaching and Learning. The department will organize an introductory session on this theme during zero week and will encourage further student engagement with AI challenges throughout the duration of the program.

IR policies

MA Handbook (1-year MA program Vienna track)

MA Handbook (1-year MA program New York track)

MA Handbook (2-year MA program)

Doctoral School policies

Doctoral Regulations

CEU policies 

New Policy on Plagiarism

The Central European University Policy on Harassment

Student Rights, Rules, and Academic Regulations

Code of Ethics

CEU Doctoral Regulations

Further CEU policies can be found here

Course registration

Students are required to complete their course registration through the CEU e:Vision Portal during the registration period of each term, as indicated in the Academic Calendar, as well as in the Student Records Manual.

Registration deadlines are not flexible. Late add and drop of courses and altering registration will result in a financial penalty of 15 EUR per course.

How add/drop a course after the registration period?

Dropping a course or altering registration (i.e., changing from grade to audit, or vice versa) is only possible not later than 14 days prior to the final assessment of the given course. Students who neither take the final exam, drop the course, nor change it to audit will receive an Administrative Fail (AF).

1. Discuss with the professor whose course you are planning to drop/add and get a consent to either leave or join the class. 

      1.1 Make sure you will still have a sufficient number of credits for a given term in case you drop a course. Consult with you program coordinator (so the change is approved, see point 4)

2.  Once such consent is obtained, pay the fee online at https://payments.ceu.edu. Consult the SRO Manual https://www.ceu.edu/sro if needed. 

3. Send an email to the Registry office (registry[at]ceu.edu) with a request to add/drop a course and CC your program coordinator. 

4. If the program coordinator approves the modification of your registration, the registry office fullfils the request. 

5. Check your registration once again in SITS.