IR students at the US Presidential Election Night Party

November 28, 2016
Decorative image

IR students together with their colleagues from the Political studies department took part in the US Presidential Election Night Party organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States in Budapest on November 8. This event was an excellent addition to the course our students are taking in the Fall term led by Erin Jenne and Levente Littvay - "U.S. Politics and Foreign Policy in the 21st century". Over 1200 participants of the event had a chance to mark this historic milestone with an evening focusing on the electoral system, the candidates and how their policies will shape the United States in the four years to come. Program highlitights included live video feed from major US news networks, mock election in the Oval Office, authentic campaign materials and decoration directly from the United States, free guide on all you need to know about the U.S. presidential elections 2016 and music by the Hungarian Air Force Band. 

