We are happy to announce that you can now apply to CEU for 2019-2020!
Why CEU?
We offer:
- Academic excellence: world-ranked master’s and doctoral programs in the humanities and social sciences
- A learning community: close supervision and faculty contact with world-class researchers
- Generous financial aid: 82% of our students receive support
- A valuable degree accredited in both the U.S. and Hungary
- A community committed to academic freedom and open debate
Apply by January 31, 2019 for master’s and doctoral studies with financial aid.
How to apply
Go to our Application Checklist for the online application form and detailed information on how to put together your application package. Want to make your application stand out? Check this page for tips on how to prepare a top-notch application package, such as how to write a powerful research proposal, or how to impress with your statement of purpose.
Fund your studies
We offer generous and accessible scholarships, available to students from any country. In 2017-2018, 82% of CEU students received financial aid, ranging from tuition awards to scholarships with stipends and housing. Learn more here.
CEU today and tomorrow
As you may know, we are awaiting resolution of a dispute with the government of Hungary. Whatever the outcome, you can apply with confidence: we will offer all our degree programs in September 2019, and you will be able to complete your program in all circumstances and graduate with a CEU degree.
If our situation in Hungary is not resolved by the time you are accepted at CEU, all programs will be offered at our new Vienna campus from September 2019 (pending approval by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education). If our situation is resolved, we will continue offering our current programs in Budapest. We will let you know whether you will be studying in Budapest or Vienna as soon as possible. In all circumstances, you can accept our offer with confidence and look forward to studying for a master’s or doctoral degree at a welcoming and world-class academic community!
Learn more here.
Have questions?
Visit our Future Students page, contact us at student-info@ceu.edu, or follow our page on Facebook.