June 29, 2023
IR faculty members Xymena Kurowska and Thomas Fetzer co-directed a course on 'Re-Interpreting European Security' for CEU's Invisible University for Ukraine (IUFU) in the winter and spring terms 2023. The course, organized in collaboration with our non-residential Ukrainian TSI fellows Kateryna Zarembo and Maksym Yakovlyev, re-examined traditional, critical and emerging concepts and problematics of European security in the context of Russia’s war in Ukraine, situating the Ukrainian experience centre-stage and as co-constitutive of European security, not as derivative of epistemic frames and geopolitical agendas of other actors. The course concluded with an online roundtable on the future of European security featuring interventions from a number of high-profile academic and policy experts. The department will continue to collaborate with IUFU in the future, with further co-organized events to follow in the fall 2023.