Annual Doctoral Conference

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Nador u. 9, Faculty Tower
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Monday, April 20, 2015 - 9:00am
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Monday, April 20, 2015 - 9:00am to Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 5:00pm

Annual Doctoral Conference Focuses on Democratic Erosion in Eastern Europe

CEU’s Doctoral School hosts its Annual Doctoral Conference on 20-21 April, featuring guest speakers Isabela Mares form Columbia University, and Mark Hallerberg from Hertie School of Governance. The two-day conference offers thirteen thematic panel sessions about political science, public policy and international relations, where CEU’s PhD candidates and a number of external panelists present and discuss their latest research projects.

The erosion of East European democratic practices and the political economy of financial crises will be the two main focuses of CEU’s Annual Doctoral Conference (ADC) in mid-April. The graduate conference, organized by the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations, will feature renowned keynote speakers Isabela Mares from Columbia University, New York, and Mark Hallerberg from Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.

The doctoral conference is scheduled for 20-21 April at CEU’s Nádor street campus in Budapest. Professor Hallerberg’s keynote lecture, “The Political Economy of Financial Crises: Who Pays, and When?” will be delivered on Monday, while professor Mares will present her keynote speech on Tuesday, about “The Erosion of Democratic Practices in Contemporary East European Elections”. The two-day program of the conference will also include numerous panel discussions, the book launch of Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe by Magda Bernaciak, and an Interpretive Research Forum session organized by CEU PhD candidates.

The Annual Doctoral Conference has been organized at CEU every year since 2006, providing opportunity for young researchers from CEU and partner institutions to present and discuss their research papers, test their ideas, and to gain valuable feedback from first class discussants. In 2015 the conference hosts thirteen panel sessions, with topics ranging from great power politics to healthcare and education, from corruption to political behavior. Panel discussants include CEU's own faculty members, as well as several guest speakers and renowned visiting scholars.

This year participation of PhD candidates from partner universities was strongly encouraged by the Doctoral School, resulting in research proposals submitted from 22 institutions, from 17 different countries. After the anonymous selection procedure, some of these external researchers will also participate in the panels, adding new ideas and networking potentials to the conference.

More information about the detailed program of the conference, as well as the list of panel participants and discussed research papers can be found at the Doctoral School’s website, at

The Annual Doctoral Conference is a public event, but members of the audience are kindly asked to register in advance.  Interested visitors can register by sending an email to, stating their full name, institutional affiliation and position, and the panel sessions / lectures they wish to attend.