
IRES Professor named “egyetemi tanar"

October 3, 2012

IRES Professor Bela Greskovits was awarded the prestigious title of “egyetemi tanar,” by Hungarian President Janos Ader. The title, which literally means “university professor,” indicates a high ranking within Hungarian higher education.

Book launch at UNHCR

October 1, 2012
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The new book of IRES Associate Professor Boldizsar Nagy is introduced at UNHCR's BUdapest office today at 4 pm.

Please see the invitation below (in Hungarian.)

Péter Balázs about the extradition of Ramil Safarov in ATV

September 4, 2012

Professor Péter Balázs, director of the CEU Center of EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, gave an interview for ATV Start about the extradition of Ramil Safarov, the Azeri soldier who murdered the Armenian Gurgen Margaryan in 2004 during a training organized in the framework of the NATO Partnership for Peace Program in Budapest.

Upon his arrival to Azerbaijan, Safarov was granted presidential mercy which provoked Serzh Sargsyan, the President of Armenia, to suspend all diplomatic relations with Hungary.

New publications of Professor Péter Balázs

September 4, 2012
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Professor Péter Balázs's contribution to the seminar on "The Eastern Partnership and the Europe 2020 Strategy" (December 8, 9, 2010) entitled "The Eastern Partnership" has been recently published in the following book:

The Eastern Partnership and the Europe 2020 strategy - Visions of leading policymakers and academics

For more information and for the free download of the book visit:

Író embernek nem való hivatal

September 3, 2012

Bár rendszeresen egyeztet Matolcsy György nemzetgazdasági miniszterrel, kritizálja a Fideszt. Csaba László közgazdásztól, a Közép-európai Egyetem tanárától megtudhatjuk, mi lenne az előnye a megállapodásnak az IMF-fel, vágyik-e miniszteri székre és érdemes-e most eurót venni. (2012.09.02.)