
New poster for IRES

August 31, 2012

The new poster of the IRES Department has just arrived.

Please see below for the new design.

Az Orbán-kormány üzenete a második félidőre

August 29, 2012

Az ATV Start vendége Csaba László közgazdász, egyetemi tanár, CEU. (2012.08.29.)

Laszlo Csaba Receives Commander’s Cross Order of the Merit of Hungary (civil division)

August 21, 2012
Decorative image

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, President of Hungary Janos Ader, and Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Laszlo Kover, presented prestigious state awards on the occasion of the August 20 celebration of the founding of the Hungarian state. The awardees received their distinctions for excellence in their service to the country, for fostering its development and advancing its interests, and for promoting universal human values.

New Book Examines the Progress of Capitalism in 11 Former Socialist States

July 18, 2012

The fall of Soviet Union over 20 years ago ushered in new political and economic ideologies and institutions to its former states, places where “many scholars doubted that the seeds of capitalist democracy would ever take root,” said CEU Professor of International Relations and European Studies Bela Greskovits.

Information for 2012/13 students available now

July 3, 2012

The first tentative documents for the MA students of the Academic Year 2012/13 are available here.

Documents will be finalized on September 1st, so until then some changes can still be expected.