
Call for papers - Global E-School Project conference - CEU, 6-8 September 2012

June 25, 2012

The Central European University (CEU) organizes the conference ‘Whither the two Koreas? Continuity and Change on the Korean Peninsula’ in the frame of the Global E-School Project.

The event will take place in Budapest on 6-8 September 2012.

Please find below the Call for Papers - the deadline for submitting abstracts is 15th July, 2012.


Activism 3.0 in Vienna

June 7, 2012

IRES and DPP Assistant Professor Youngmi Kim gave the third lecture on Activism 3.0 as a part of Political Institutions in Korea lecture series at the University of Vienna on the 31st May 2012.

At the Convention of the Hungarian Architects

June 6, 2012

On May 28, IRES Professor Laszlo Csaba delivered a lecture "Architectural heritage and economic development" at the Convention of the Hungarian Architects in the Prónay Castle, Alsópetény.

Lecture at the Breughel Institute

June 4, 2012

On May 15, IRES Professor Laszlo Csaba delivered a lecture on the efficiency of cohesion funds at the Brueghel Institute in Brussels, Belgium.

Lecture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

May 29, 2012

On May 14, IRES Professor Laszlo Csaba held a lecture titled "Hungarian Economic Prospects after an IMF Agreement" at the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest.