Faces of CEU - photo exhibition by Tamás Farbaky

February 20, 2020
Decorative image

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 – Friday, March 20, 2020

Exhibition opening of CEU student Tamás Farbaky, 2nd year student of the International Relations Department.

"...I am from Hungary. Since I started my adult life I have been fascinated by photography. I started taking photos when I bought my first DSLR in 2014. I first used it for travel photography. Later, I became interested in documenting the events organised by our NGO working for a marginalised Roma community in rural Eastern Hungary (Világítani fogok or I will shine). I discovered the beauty of portrait photography through this and became their photographer. Then, as I started my studies at CEU, my focus shifted towards my classmates and towards the people I made friends with during my studies here. I have always sought to capture and convey the beauty in each person I have come across. For me this is what photography is, to show your best version while remaining natural.
The photos on display are a selection of candid moments and also of my experiments with my fellow students, and friends. I am attached to each of them and I am deeply thankful for these people for letting me in into their life."

opening words:
Jazmin Topuzidu (IR)

featuring on piano / ukulele:
Tamar Giorgobiani (IR)

