Andrew X. Li

Assistant Professor

Contact information

Vienna, Quellenstrasse 51
+43 1 25230 2091

Andrew X. Li is an assistant professor at the Department of International Relations, Central European University (CEU). He teaches courses on international political economy, research design and (quantitative) methods and political economy of development . Li received a Joint PhD in political science and management from National University of Singapore and King's College London. Before joining CEU, he worked as a research fellow at the School of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University on the "Singapore in the Global Talent Race" project. His research focuses on international political economy with special interests in international finance, migration and development. Since 2018, he has been an instructor at the ECPR Summer/Winter School in Methods and Techniques and the IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods. In Fall 2020, he was a visiting faculty at the Bard Globalization and International Affairs (BGIA) Program in New York City, where he taught a course on the political economy of international organization(s).


Chen, Chao, Andrew X. Li and Suixin Zhang (2021). “The Gift of Authoritarian Experience: Determinants of Online Political Efficacy in New Democracies” In: Telematics and Informatics 63, 101674. DOI:

Li, Andrew X. (2020). “Exchange Rate Policies of the BRICS” In: The Political Economy of the BRICS Countries: BRICS and the Global Economy, Soo Yeon Kim (eds). Singapore: World Scientific. Chapter 9, 207-228. (chapter available upon request)

Liang, Ce, and Andrew X. Li (2020). “Return to Nationality: The Sustainable Way to Gain International Recognition” In E-International Relations. URL:

Wang, Jue, Rosalie Hooi, Andrew X. Li and Meng-Hsuan Chou (2019). "Collaboration Patterns of Mobile Academics: The Impact of International Mobility" In: Science and Public Policy 46(3). 450-462. DOI:

Zha, Wen and Andrew X. Li (2018). “Change in Leadership Coalition and Foreign Policy Adjustment: A Study on Foreign Policy Compliance with China” In: World Economics and Politics 449(1). 53-72. (In Chinese)

Chen, Chao and Andrew X. Li. (2018). “Does Democracy Cause Trade Policy Liberalization? Unpacking the Black Box of Trade Policy” In: Journal of International Relations and Development 21(4). 1014-1037. DOI: 

 Li, Andrew X. (2015). “State-Society Synergy and Export Sophistication” In: Economics & Politics 27(3). 433-456. DOI:


  1. Singapore in the Global Talent Race (with Jue Wang, Meng-Hsuan Chou, Rosalie Hooi and Yasmin Ortiga), funded by National Research Foundation, Prime Minister's Office, Singapore. This research examines the impact that international talents have had on Singapore’s Science, Research, Innovation and Enterprise (SRIE) investments and interventions throughout the last decade, as well as international talents’ motivations to come and stay in Singapore. I am in charge of analyzing survey data collected from more than 700 tenured or tenure-track professors who are currently working or used to work in Singaporean universities, and oversee the collection of the bibliometric data of this sample of respondents. 
  2. Regime Change and Foreign Policy Adjustment (with Wen Zha, China Foreign Affairs University), funded by China Foreign Affairs University. This project investigates the effect of change in national leadership on realignment of a country's foreign policy. The core of the research involves assigning values to changes in national leadership or governing coalition on a six-point scale based on published texts using a large team of coders. Once completed, the dataset will cover about 160 countries from 1970 to 2015. I am in charge of methodological issues related to the coding (such as intercoder reliability) and statistical analysis of the data.
  3. Where to Invest? (with Chao Chen, Shanghai Jiaotong University). This project studies how governmental responses to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the first half of 2020 influence investment decisions of foreign direct investors. The main empirical strategy is a conjoint experiment using real FDI investors as subjects. The algorithsm randomizes across seven determinants of FDI inflow argued in the existing scholarship. I am in charge of designing the experiment as well as analyzing the data to identify the average marginal component effects (AMCE) of the treatment components.


PhD (Political Science, Management), National University of Singapore & King's College London
M Soc Sci (Political Science), National University of Singapore
B Soc Sci (with Honours, Economics), National University of Singapore

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