
CEU Applications Now Open for 2019-2020

October 16, 2018
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We are happy to announce that you can now apply to CEU for 2019-2020! 

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Professor Nagy delivers commencement speech at the Vienna University

October 5, 2018

Professor Nagy has delivered the commencement speech at the graduation ceremony of the LLM program in International Legal Studies  of the Vienna University on 28 September 2018.

Professor Nagy at Berkely conference

October 5, 2018

The Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and the Central European University presented a two-day conference - "Borders, Borderlands, and Migration." On September 11 Professor Boldizsar Nagy has delivered a talk  entitled "Legal and political responses to the refugee (law) crisis in the Visegrad countries".

Conference program is available here 

CEU Expands U.S. Activities with Courses, Internships for MA Students

September 10, 2018
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CEU has expanded its academic activities in New York in cooperation with Bard College, with second-year students in CEU’s MA in International Relations program studying with CEU faculty alongside internships at well-known international organizations. The students earn credit toward their U.S.-accredited degree.

Boldizsár Nagy to give a talk at 2018 Harvard European Law Symposium

March 19, 2018
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On April 6, 2018 professor Nagy will give a talk titled Isolation and openness. Dialectics in the control of migration within the EU and with third states at the 2018 Harvard European Law Symposium organized by the Harvard European Law Association (HELA).