Weekly Newsletter #10

OHPA Weekly Newsletter #10

Week of June 14th 2024

By Conall Hirsch

Welcome to the tenth issue of The Open Society Hub for the Politics of the Anthropocene weekly newsletter!

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Accelerating Global Climate Change, Report Finds

New Research shows the climate cost of the first two years of Russia’s war on Ukraine was greater than the annual greenhouse gas emissions generated individually by 175 countries, exacerbating the global climate emergency in addition to the mounting death toll and widespread destruction. Russia’s invasion has generated at least 175m tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, amid a surge in emissions from direct warfare, landscape fires, rerouted flights, forced migration and leaks caused by military attacks on fossil fuel infrastructure – as well as the future carbon cost of reconstruction, according to the most comprehensive analysis ever of conflict-driven climate impacts. The Russian Federation already faces a $32bn climate reparations bill from its first 24 months of war. Russia deliberately targeted energy infrastructure, especially during the first months of the war, generating major leaks of potent greenhouse gases. Another 40 tonnes of SF6 (equivalent to about 1m tonnes of CO2), is thought to have leaked into the atmosphere due to Russian strikes on Ukraine’s high-voltage network facilities.

Source: The Guardian 

Bonn Climate Finance Talks Fail to agree upon Funding Amount

This week representatives from around the world met to discuss a new collective quantified goal (NCQG) at the upcoming COP29 in Baku in November. The LDCs (Least Developed Countries) and SIDS (Small Island Developing States) coalition accused the wealthy states of the global north of refusing to discuss the number, citing historical lagging regarding mobilizing large sums for climate finance. Hypocrisy and belligerence could be found on both sides: Australia’s representative remained steadfast that there would not be an agreement at COP if hostile rhetoric continued. Saudi Arabia’s representative accused the global north of creating excuses whenever the NCGQ was discussed, which is ironic considering the country’s status as both a petrostate as well as one of the wealthiest nations (per capita) in the world. The lack of agreement does not bode well for November.  

Source: Climate Change News 

Far Right Surge across Europe reduces likelihood of Ambitious Climate action

The far right surged in last week’s EU elections across a multiplicity of states, including France, Germany, Austria, Italy, among others. This came at the expense at the European Green Party, which lost 18 seats in the EU parliament. While this strikes a blow to ambitious climate policies, experts do not believe it will result in a dissolution of the European Green deal, as there is no longer a significant bastion of climate denialism left in Europe. However a weaker green pretense could mean a less ambitious delegation at COP29 in November.  

Source: Nature

Swiss Parliament Rejects ECHR’s ruling favoring Climate Senior Activists

The “Climate Seniors” activists, a group of elderly Swiss women won a decision with the European Court of Human Rights which ordered Switzerland to do more to meet emissions targets. However the Swiss parliament voted Wednesday to ignore the ruling, insisting that they already had a legitimate action plan in place to address the climate crisis. In spite of the activists expressing shock and betrayal at the government’s decision, polls reveal a majority of the population believe current policy is sufficient.  

Source: BBC

UN Chief Calls for Banning of Fossil Fuel Advertisement

UN Secretary General António Guterres called coal, oil and gas corporations the “godfathers of climate chaos” this week, calling for media companies to stop receiving money from such firms. Guterres likened the suggestion to the same practice already enacted in many nations around the world which ban advertising for deliberately harmful products such as tobacco. During the speech, Guterres announced new WMO data which reveals there is an 80% chance that 1.5C will be reached in at least one of the next five years. 

Source: We Forum 

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